Stop Living Life In Neutral

There’s a huge difference between rolling along in neutral and cruising in fifth gear. The modern-day world, with all its bells and whistles, bright lights and mesmerising screens has our attention being pulled in all directions to a point where it feels like there is no breath, no space, no moment in between.

Suddenly we realise that the sacred space in our mind, where we stash all our creative passion projects, is over-flowing like a spare room like on the show ‘Hoarders’ and resembles a cryptic crossword puzzle with hardly any clues. All the amazing travel plans, business ideas and innovative concepts that we shelve for a short 6-12 months or “until it’s the right time”, become dull and faded like the photos in a dusty album on top of grandmas’ wardrobe, as we realise just how much time has passed.

The funny thing about life is, when we are waiting for tomorrow – tomorrow never arrives. The environment we exist in, with the endless desire to acquire more things and the pursuit of instant gratification, means that waiting for the perfect moment for anything in life turns into a practice of watching the grass grow, and even more debilitating, is then the chance of actually capturing that moment, is as rare as rocking horse shit!!

Now, I believe this rarity is perfectly designed by nature. Whenever our attention is pulled towards the past or future, it creates confusion in the present moment. Don’t get me wrong, planning for the future is a powerful technique, though, it’s important to distinguish between the planning process for clarity, direction and strategy, with your resistance to being completely surrendered in the now, with the feelings of lack, scarcity and the most common “I’m not good enough” belief structures.

Within every moment lies the opportunity to shift our perception, if we change the way we think then we can take inspired action. This adjustment electrifies and becomes the genesis point of a completely different life, a life that nourishes your soul, deepens your connection to nature, and the people around you and yourself.

Most people are in a state of perpetual confusion, with feelings of depression about the past or anxiety about a future that doesn’t yet exist, fed by an umbilical cord from mainstream media and years of conditioning grounded in self-doubt. Unfortunately, this has a compounding effect. One of the main by-products of confusion is inaction, and when we start to stack days, weeks, months and often years of confusion filled this inaction from not being present and connected to the flow of energy from the natural world around us, we run the risk of experiencing debilitating stagnation.

From a Vedic standpoint, this inactive state is referred to as the ‘ever repeating known’. It becomes disguised as bills, work deadlines, school drop off and pick up, keeping your house in order and the endless list of personal and societal expectations stacked high on our shoulders. Now, that’s not to say that many of the aspects listed above aren’t important and necessary to focus on at times, we all need to pay the bills right...? I’m talking about raising awareness, shifting perspective and embracing freedom. I’m talking about stepping off the treadmill of everyday life, stepping back, taking a breath and recalibrating. It’s only through giving ourselves this space and stillness in the present moment that we can gain the clarity necessary to move forward, taking inspired action, aligning our values, beliefs and dreams.

An early teacher of mine once said that everything I ever wanted to achieve in life, whether in relation to my health, relationships, business, finances or freedom, is directly correlated to the amount of time I was sitting still every day. Hearing this for the first time was like finally realising that the equation of life I was trying to solve had been upside down the whole time. On the surface it makes no sense, though, when you look deeper into it, we can begin to understand and glimpse the power that comes from being present and utilising the clarity that accompanies it.

Until that moment I had been living in neutral, engine running, pistons still firing, but just rolling along without power and inspired acceleration. I was still logging the hours in many facets of life and burning lots of fuel, however, I didn’t feel like I was getting any closer to the life I wanted to be living. Subconsciously I was waiting for the “perfect” moment in the future. This realisation uncovered an underlying belief that in order to attain full expression and execute on all the things I wanted to achieve, that I needed to wait for the resources to do so.

Hmmm… got me thinking… How many other areas of my life had been held back by this very same belief??

This newfound perspective and understanding became the fire in my psychic cauldron . Having now experienced, that the more we live and act in alignment to what we truly want with our authentic true self, then the  more resources the universe delivers to support our full expression of that.

More time being present = more clarity = more flow = more fulfilment = more happiness!!!!

The universe truly does work with us, not against us and the more inspired action we take, the more creative energy and flow we receive, allowing us to move with momentum, into 5th gear and into our full potential.

Our time on this open-air spaceship, in our meat space suits is over in the blink of an eye, and if we look at the grand scale of things…..Why wait…. Get out of neutral and start living your best life NOW!!!


Parked In Paradise